City of Lone Oak
Planning & Capacity Study
2011 - 2031
Contract # 729324

Lone Oak Final Text

Maps are in JPG format
1A - Corporate Base Map 2011 (2.5 Mb)
2A - Population Distribution 2011 and 2031 (2.6 Mb)
3A - Housing Conditions 2011 (2.7 Mb)
4A - Existing Land Use 2011 (2.8 Mb)
4B - Future Land Use 2031 (2.8 Mb)
5A - Existing Water System 2011 (2.9 Mb)
5B - Proposed Water System Improvements 2011-31 (3 Mb)
6A - Existing Wastewater System 2011 (3 Mb)
6B - Proposed Wastewater System Improvements 2011-31 (3.5 Mb)
7A - Existing Storm Drainage Conditions 2011 (3.4 Mb)
7B - Proposed Storm Drainage Improvements 2011-31 (3.7 Mb)
8A - Existing Street Conditions 2011 (2.6 Mb)
8B - Proposed Street Improvements 2011-31 (2.7 Mb)
10A - Recreation and Open Space 2011-31 (2.9 Mb)
13A - Capital Improvements Program 2011-2016 (2.9 Mb)

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